The Program
Unochapecó Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences, recommended by the Coordination of Improvement for People with Higher Education (CAPES – in Portuguese), started in 2005. It was created as an alternative to resolve the environmental problems generated by the economical model of the region and to contribute to the production of knowledge and to the development of the science. It has the mission of generating knowledge and also of being a permanent forum to the discussion of environmental matters.
Currently, the dissertations demonstrate the production of researches in various fields, which are extremely relevant to the comprehension of the environmental dynamics of the region, within the broadest context of the environmental sciences, considering the physical, chemical, biological, social, cultural, economical e political environment.
The Stricto Sensu Post-graduation course in Environmental Sciences has the objective of enabling skilled human resources to work in the environmental field, supporting the scientific development and of innovative technologies.
Professionals in the areas of Life Sciences, Humanistic Social Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences area and also from the Agricultural Sciences.
The Program
Recommended by CAPES according to Official Letter n. 093 – 11/09/2005/CTC/CAPES from March 21st, 2005.
Accepted by CNE according to Ordinance n. 2,642 from 07/27/2005.
Accepted by CEE according to Resolution n. 057 and Legal Report n. 221 from 08/21/2007.
The Post-graduation program in Environmental Sciences seeks to provide continuity to the professional education (technical-scientific) and the furthering of the studies in the environmental area, of extreme importance to the region, considering that the economy of Santa Catarina’s western region is based in the agriculture and in the agribusiness, which on its turn change in a very significant way the existing natural resources. Besides that, activities like the clay extraction in Areas of Permanent Preservation (APP) and the construction of barrages for energy generation in the rivers of the region trigger a series of modifications in the environment (soil, flora, fauna and weather). Another important question to be considered is the one regarding the poor conditions of the basic sanitation that may lead to the multiplication of health and environmental problems.
Despite all the mentioned problems, few studies were done in the region, or they were short-term studies and punctual in a certain way, not dealing with the matter in an integral or multidisciplinary way. Therefore, the Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences seeks to attend the regional need which is to deepen the studies in the environmental area, going after alternatives to resolve or minimize the impacts caused by human action.
The Post-graduation Program in Environmental Sciences has the following objectives:
- To enable skilled human resources to work in the environmental area, supporting the scientific and technical development, regionally and nationally, in their area of operation;
- To develop skills leading to multidisciplinary research about the environmental problems that may lead to advanced studies or to the implementation in the labor market;
- To enable human resources to work in the areas of research and development, as well as to work in higher education in the Environmental Sciences correlated areas;
- To perform advanced studies, to elaborate and to execute research projects in the Environmental Sciences area, seeking the development of new methodologies and technologies to the solution of environmental problems pursuing the sustainable development;
- To create and to consolidate the research and the scientific production, through the instruction of researchers, of teachers and of other skilled professionals to work in the area of environmental sciences;
- To step in the regional reality, through critical thinking and also seeking alternatives that may contribute to the construction of a development process that may be able to generate smaller environmental impacts.
The faculty who works in the Master’s degree is composed by doctors professors mainly linked to the Center of Agro-Environmental and Food Sciences and has the participation of doctors professors from different Academic Centers from UNOCHAPECÓ, such as the Technological Center, the Education Center, the Human and Social Sciences Center and the Social and Legal Sciences Center.
Duration of the course
24 months
Duties of the student:
- to take at least 24 credits, 10 (ten) of these credits being in mandatory subjects and the remaining in elective subjects;
- to do a research project;
- to defend a dissertation.
Chronogram of the classes
The classes will be held on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, considering that the periods (mornings, afternoons and nights) may change each semester, depending on the availability of subjects.
Coordinator: Profª. Liz Girardi Müller
Phone: (49) 3321-8090
Linha 1 - Dinâmicas Socioambientais e Biodiversidade
Essa linha de pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a biodiversidade e os conflitos socioambientais decorrentes dos projetos de desenvolvimento, uso e ocupação do solo e alteração da paisagem ao longo do tempo, assim como o manejo, conservação e uso sustentável dos recursos naturais. Essas questões são inerentes às dinâmicas econômico - ecológicas e sociais da região de atuação do Programa de Pós - Graduação em Ciências Ambientais, tendo-se em conta as inter-relações entre os espaços local, regional e global. Esta linha de pesquisa está estruturada nos seguintes Projetos Temáticos: Diversidade, manejo e conservação de fauna e flora nos biomas do Sul do Brasil; Dinâmicas ecológicas e conflitos ambientais no Oeste de Santa Catarina.
Linha 2 - Tecnologias Ambientais
A linha de pesquisa de Tecnologias Ambientais está direcionada à produção de conhecimento científico e tecnológico para o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de processos e materiais com potencial aplicação ambiental. Os projetos temáticos têm como objetivo a caracterização do efeito e a redução de passivos ambientais, bem como a valoração dos resíduos industriais. Os temas também estão direcionados ao estudo de plantas para a bioprospeccão de princípios ativos. A linha de pesquisa está estruturada nos seguintes Projetos Temáticos: Detecção e monitoramento de riscos em sistemas ambientais; Atividade biológica e química de produtos naturais; Materiais e sistemas com aplicação ambiental.
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Bolsas de estudos
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