About the Program
The proposal for the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Accounting and Business Administration originates from the synergy that has accompanied the history of the undergraduate programs in Accounting and Business Administration since their inception at Unochapecó in 1974. Although they have different curricular structures, the similarities in their management and operation have brought the faculty of both programs closer together, especially full-time faculty members at the institution. The initiatives range from concern for the quality of education to meeting market demands, leading the group to unite efforts in joint projects.
This interface is reflected in the definition of the program’s area of concentration, called Controllership and Organizational Management. The concentration area was developed on the premise that research and practices in Controllership and Organizational Management, despite their specificities, have theoretical and empirical interconnections. Controllership must support the management process, both for internal and external purposes, by providing the necessary information to achieve the organization's objectives. This support involves investigating and understanding the concepts and the articulation of elements inherent to Organizational Management.
The main goal of the program is to train researchers and professors with the capacity for analysis and reflection, aimed at producing and applying new knowledge and technologies, particularly in the areas of Controllership and Organizational Management.
Specifically, the program aims to:
(i) train researchers, professors, and specialists with a high level of knowledge in the fields of Accounting and Business Administration;
(ii) promote advanced and systematic studies in Accounting and Business Administration, with an emphasis on Controllership and Organizational Management;
(iii) foment research that promotes the development of Accounting and Business Administration science and the dissemination of this knowledge.
Academic Structure
Students must complete 30 (thirty) credits, comprising 24 (twenty-four) credits from course credits and 6 (six) credits from the dissertation.
To fulfill the 24 (twenty-four) credits of the course, students must take the 3 (three) required courses in the area of concentration (7 credits), the required course in their research area (3 credits), and an additional 14 (fourteen) credits from elective courses and/or activities equivalent to elective courses. At the end of the program, 6 (six) credits related to the activities developed during the dissertation preparation will be added.
Coordinator: Prof. Sady MazzioniEmail: ppgcca@unochapeco.edu.br
Research area 1: Accounting and Management Control
The research area in Accounting and Management Control focuses on studies and research that address the use of accounting information in the management control mechanisms of organizations.
Research area 2: Management and Innovation in Supply Chains
The research area in Management and Innovation in Supply Chains focuses on studies and research related to the selection of control and planning mechanisms and their impacts on innovation in supply chains.
Processo Seletivo Discente 2024_Mestrado Interinstitucional
PPGCCA/Unochapecó e Centro de Educação e Pesquisa Almeida & Aguiar (CESAA)
Confira o edital aqui.
Processo Seletivo Discente 2024_Campus Chapecó
Inscrições prorrogadas até 10 de junho de 2024. Confira aqui as alterações do Edital.
Confira o edital aqui.
Os anexos do Edital nº 024/Reitoria/2024 estão disponibilizados na página em "documentos úteis" (https://www.unochapeco.edu.br/mestrado-contabeis-adm/downloads/1)
Bolsas de estudos
As modalidades de bolsas de estudos destinadas aos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu da Unochapecó estão contempladas junto aos editais dos processos seletivos no item "Bolsas de Estudo".